My soles made a hard impact on the cobbled pathway affecting the anxious nerves of my
brain. Trying to keep the slipping purse on my shoulder, I was turning behind to access
the impending danger. The stranger's pace was quickening. Sensing the closing distance,
I made an attempt to increase my strides. Fear pervaded every pore of my being and the
air around me seemed to be thinning. I gasped for help.
Beads of perspiration broke on my creased brow. My mouth stretched like the Thar desert
and I ran my tongue onto to the roof of my mouth. I turned around to check my pursuer
and fell short of stumbling. I gathered myself as I felt the bladder bursting. These
inconveniences were a speck compared to the mammoth danger chasing me. The street-
lights didn't offer much solace to me. With no soul in sight , my confidence was at nadir. I
once again turned my head back for the umpteen time. I don't remember how many
times my neck had rotated backwards. The stranger's outer features shouldn't be
distinguished . The visor was pulled down intentionally to mask his facial terrain.
A pair of boots walked besides me. The rising palpitations drummed into my ears. The
body moved from my left side with one swift motion taking a huge step ahead of me and
came face to face reading the terror in my eyes. My handbag was yanked off as my
shoulder went numb. His feet made a dash in the cover of the moonless darkness as the
path forked into two. I could't know which way he disappeared. I was left helpless and
A silhouette came out of the darkness. "Missy , there has been a spate of robberies
in the district. Deposit your gold chain into this". And he fished out a handkerchief. It
made sense to my confused scared mind. Hailing a cab which appeared out of Aladdin's
lamp, he pressed a currency note into my nervous palm and melted away as the wheels
gathered momentum. I didn't have the time to thank the Samaritan.
I clutched the handkerchief as I rang the bell of my apartment. The piece of cloth felt
empty. The last vestige of faith evaporated and tore my soul.

(Google Image)
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