Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Sunsilk Natural Recharge.

Opening the packet with some skepticism and a dash of curiosity , I felt the soft velvety touch of the fabric in the oval woven basket and there lay  Sunsilk conditioner (80 ml) and  Sunsilk Shampoo (180 ml).


Hair , whether short or long , is the crowing glory of every girl . Whether she is on an adventurous trek or gracing a corporate presentation she demands that her prized possession does not let her down.What is the secret of the well-maintained hair?

The new Sunsilk Natural Recharge Shampoo infused with ginseng plant root extract together with Conditioner strengthens , nourishes and recharges tired hair making it look thick and abundant. And is recommended by celebrity hair stylist and Sunsilk expert, Jamal Hammadi.

I liked Sunsilk Natural Recharge Shampoo & Conditioner. 

The shampoo bottle is sleek and translucent with an oval flip-top easy opening and can be easily slipped into a small handbag for travel purposes.

On opening the lid , the light but pleasant fragrance invites one to use the product.

I generously oiled my hair and after 2 hours washed  it playing with the soft bubbles that left a pleasing fragrance .

The packaging of the conditioner is okay. 

The conditioner is mild and hence suited my hair.

A small dollop of the shampoo and conditioner are enough to clean the hair.
For short hair , if used twice a week , would last for 3 months . This is V(alue) F(or) M(oney).
Price : Rs 132 for 180 ml (shampoo), Rs 64 for 80 ml (conditioner)

The ingredients are : 


Paraben free and Neutral pH

Rating 3.5/5

Dear ladies , do try Sunsilk Recharge Shampoo & Conditioner.

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