Wednesday, 21 May 2014

other side of the fence.


                        PHOTO PROMPT Copyright - Erin Leary
                                PHOTO PROMPT Copyright – Erin Leary

Sunshine swept the thick clouds of mist aside to one corner of the farm to reveal a clear picture of the swaying branches and a wooden fence running, rather dividing, cruelly not only the partly barren land but the pulsating hearts too. All night they stood close, holding hands, their fingers intertwined, on either side of the fence. As the golden rays kissed her curls triggering an alarm, they would move away from each other, look sadly at the graves and disappear deep down. They could not be united in flesh and blood but their spirits chose to unite eternally.

             Thanks ROCHELLE for the beautiful picture prompt and inspiring to pen my story.

                                                        Friday Fictioneers Rules.

1 comment:

  1. This is a perfect Romeo and Juliet kind of story - united in spirit but not in the flesh. Well done

    PS may I suggest shortening the first sentence. It's hard to get a grip on the tale with so many ideas in one sentence. You are certainly welcome to ignore this


please show some love......