PHOTO PROMPT© Jan Wayne Fields
They sat under the canopy of open sky with the blanket of
stars spread over them. But
the pleasures of Nature aren’t always romantic and
they hadn’t bargained for the
inevitable. The grass bore their weight for some-time
and the blades protested by
piercing their derma, ants stung where they shouldn’t,
insects encircled them like
hovering helicopters.
The flames on their deflatable tent, inadvertently lit by
the sole kerosene lamp inside,
were tossed by the winds, added to their misery.
Their nocturnal sojourn on the
uninhabited island was the beginning of a nightmare.
Only dawn could rescue them. Till then……
Written for : Friday Fictioneers. Thanks Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

Written for : Friday Fictioneers. Thanks Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

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