FFfAW Challenge-Week of October 17, 2017

This week's photo prompt is provided by Grant-Sud. Thank you Grant-Sud!
The parents of the missing girl were waiting anxiously to
hear any piece of news of their
child. There was no ransom demand and hence
kidnapping was ruled out.
Detective Karamchand ambled into the room of Ananya with his
assistant Kitty in tow. His
eyes scanned the entire space in white. A section
of pink wall arrested his hawk-like
A map detailing the entire layout of
the sprawling mansion was pasted.
“Ananya seems to be a happy girl. Look at the smiley drawn”,
chirped Kitty.
Karamchand glared at the naivety of his assistant and
started to stomp his foot at the
base of the pink wall.
“It is an arrow-mark, Kitty, Look at the direction”, calmly
said Karamchand.
A secret chamber revealed an envelope with “Catch me if you
can” scribbled, teased his
grey cells. This is going to be a long
treasure-hunt, concluded Karamchand.
Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.Thanks Priceless Joy.

word count :146
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