pic credit Pexels.com
The weight of my feet sunk the wet grains and made a depression. I turned behind to observe the phenomena. The water filled the depression. I smiled. Aha Nature. The vagrant strands of hair flew in the forward direction. I did not bother to gather them and anchor them to safety. My tongue rolled out and caressed the slightly parched lips. The wind had salt in its sails.
With the entire beach to myself, I felt I was the Master of all I surveyed. The lady at my home-stay cautioned me not to venture out early in the morning. I hadn't slept properly last night. The constant tossing and turning in the bed reminded me of the ebb and rise of the waves.The Writer's Block seemed to hit me like a tsunami. I needed the ink of inspiration to flow from my dormant pen.
I enjoyed the loneliness and the solitude of the hour. The pattern made on the beach by the ocean waves and the wind bore an uncanny resemblance to an artist's abstract portrait. My gaze shifted to the tapering trees in the distance. They seem to dance with the symphony of the wind. I mentally patted my back for rising with the lark and being an early bird to the beach.
Something arrested my attention rather caught me by surprise when i saw a figure coming toward me. I had never seen such forlorn eyes. The blue in the pupils made me dive to the bottom of the ocean bed. Her face was hidden behind a knitted shawl.
"What is your name?"
"Maya", Did I hear or did I imagine? I could not see her lips move.
She walked into the embrace of the blue waters. Her body dissipated into fine particles and merged into the sand. I was jolted out of my senses.
Was she a mirage (Maya) or my muse? I know not.
#TELLTALETHRUSDAY with Anshu and Priya
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