Michael teacher, my second grade English teacher has asked
us to get a blank Inland
Envelope Letter. (It was a light blue colour rectangular
paper which could be folded like
on the writing desk the and she engaged us to write a letter to our
grandparent/s, of course with little
prodding on her side. I took to writing, with a
pointed Natraj pencil, like a fish to water. I exhausted the given space in no time and
presented it to my teacher. She nodded and made a few corrections. With a 'chest'-full of
pride, I showed my first handwritten letter to my father and he encouraged me to
write a ‘real’ letter to my grandfather residing in Bijapur, Karnataka.
pointed Natraj pencil, like a fish to water. I exhausted the given space in no time and
presented it to my teacher. She nodded and made a few corrections. With a 'chest'-full of
pride, I showed my first handwritten letter to my father and he encouraged me to
write a ‘real’ letter to my grandfather residing in Bijapur, Karnataka.
That night I sat down, post dinner to write a letter to my
grandpa under my papa’s
tutelage. The full moon kept me company and sleep did not spread its blanket on me
that night and we sat late to finish off.
My father sealed the envelope with glue and the recipient’s address written down.
that night and we sat late to finish off.
My father sealed the envelope with glue and the recipient’s address written down.
My joy knew no bounds when I dropped the
sealed envelope into the red colour post-box
near my house.

I shared the earlier night's episode with my classmates but none seemed to reciprocate
my feelings. My child-like mind could not comprehend the lack of mutual sharing
of happiness of my premier foray into letter-writing, an important mile-stone of my life.
I shared the earlier night's episode with my classmates but none seemed to reciprocate
my feelings. My child-like mind could not comprehend the lack of mutual sharing
of happiness of my premier foray into letter-writing, an important mile-stone of my life.
My eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the
khaki-colour uniformed post-man whose burlap
sack was bursting at its seams with envelopes of all shapes and sizes. He would drop the
letters with care and proceed to the next house. He was a regular feature around two in
the afternoon, the time reserved for siesta. I loved to receive letters and many a times
the khaki uniform feet did not make a halt at my door. I would console myself that I
would definitely receive something the next day.
sack was bursting at its seams with envelopes of all shapes and sizes. He would drop the
letters with care and proceed to the next house. He was a regular feature around two in
the afternoon, the time reserved for siesta. I loved to receive letters and many a times
the khaki uniform feet did not make a halt at my door. I would console myself that I
would definitely receive something the next day.
I had graduated from the Natraj Pencil to blue ink pens in my Secondary School.
My two pen-pals, both from diverse backgrounds from two different countries kept my
burgeoning interest and enthusiasm alive by sending the
postman to my doorstep
frequently. We wrote about each other’s cultures, festivals, gastronomical delights and
mundane matters . I was thrilled when the contents of the packet revealed a Pound
currency note. An Indian Rupee note was dispatched from my side to acquaint her with
my nation’s currency system. A rainbow of colors spread in my heart and there was a
spring in my walk.
frequently. We wrote about each other’s cultures, festivals, gastronomical delights and
mundane matters . I was thrilled when the contents of the packet revealed a Pound
currency note. An Indian Rupee note was dispatched from my side to acquaint her with
my nation’s currency system. A rainbow of colors spread in my heart and there was a
spring in my walk.
The Junior college saw me growing taller and mature .
I visited my home-town, Bijapur, for the final rites of my grandfather. A close relative of
reminded me of my maiden letter written to my grandpa as a little girl and further
shared of my grandpa's glee on receiving a hand-written letter from his first grand-child.
My eyes could not hold the emotion and the dam burst. The indifference experienced at
the hands of my classmates was wiped away with the salty outpourings.
I visited my home-town, Bijapur, for the final rites of my grandfather. A close relative of
reminded me of my maiden letter written to my grandpa as a little girl and further
shared of my grandpa's glee on receiving a hand-written letter from his first grand-child.
My eyes could not hold the emotion and the dam burst. The indifference experienced at
the hands of my classmates was wiped away with the salty outpourings.
Stepping into adulthood and juggling the twin responsibilities
of running a household
in my marital home and my professional duties I continued to give updates of my life to
my parents and sibling through my pen and it was a relief hearing from their side. Those
were the days of pre-pay-phones days and phones had not yet mushroomed on every
nook and corner of the streets. Moreover a long emotional chat burned a big hole in the
pocket and I wisely confined myself to writing exhaustive letters.
in my marital home and my professional duties I continued to give updates of my life to
my parents and sibling through my pen and it was a relief hearing from their side. Those
were the days of pre-pay-phones days and phones had not yet mushroomed on every
nook and corner of the streets. Moreover a long emotional chat burned a big hole in the
pocket and I wisely confined myself to writing exhaustive letters.
I noticed the light grey strands on my mom’s head, the
approaching tell-tale sign of old
age. This was not the only indication. Her
writing in the letters showed a subtle
difference which was not missed by my
keen eyes. The alphabets were not in their usual
shape, the spacing between two
words was erratic. I realized that all is well on her
health front. When gently
asked, she complained of mild stiffness in her joints.Arthritis
was slowly corroding her joints.
At times a sentence abruptly halted manifesting a change in her continuity of thoughts. I
urged her to visit the family physician regularly. This way I kept track of her ailments.
was slowly corroding her joints.
At times a sentence abruptly halted manifesting a change in her continuity of thoughts. I
urged her to visit the family physician regularly. This way I kept track of her ailments.
A lot unsaid was said through her flow of ink . It is difficult to accept my mother's
approaching old age and simultaneous thought of
my ‘ageing’ too.
With the proliferating of cell phones, the Sun on the epistolary saga has set on the
On my last visit to her, a few months ago I saw her making a list of grocery items and it
was a pleasure nay a privilege to see her alphabets resemble my writing in K.G. I lightly
admonished her to practice and improve her dots and curves. Life has come to a full
circle, I realized. And I smiled inwardly.
circle, I realized. And I smiled inwardly.
I now call her up five times a week and with a change in her voice can gauge the coughs
and colds surrounding her.
Readers, do share with me about your letter-writing

Notes : Secondary school starts from 5th grade to 10th grade.
The postman's uniform was a khaki coloured dress and a cap.
K.G. - Kindergarten.
Natraj pencil - a brand of pencil.

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