YeahWrite’s Weekly Writing Challenge #388
Lord Surya doesn't smile on a September day on the island city. But today ,
India's financial capital is fortunate to bask in the warmth. Me and he took
our bags and stepped out. The lanes were generously muddy. I stepped
gingerly on the stones so as not to allow the luxury of sinking my full weight on
the wet path. The path ended sooner than I expected. It was because of the
good weather, he reasoned.
good weather, he reasoned.
I stepped on the paved area of the market and my eyes feasted on the array of
colourful veggies spread on polythene sheets on the ground and another sheet
kept in abeyance least Ma Varsha plays spoilsport.
Each seller was drawing attention to every buyer to hawk her/his wares. The
buyers took their own time to see, assess and decide to buy from the umpteen
sellers. It was clearly a free market , the forces of demand and supply
interacting. I imagined how the same forces would behave on the global arena.
The ridge gourds , bitter-gourds, French beans, Cluster beans happily co-
existed side-by-side each waiting for its turn to end up in a house-wife's
kitchen. The ripe tomatoes lay asking me for the warmth of my shopping bag.
The lemons reminded me of the lack of Vitamin C in my body. The bunch of Dill
leaves spread a smile on my face and I smiled back at its tenderness. The
farmer's wife sensing my affinity for greens pulled out the most tender bunch ,
teasing and cajoling me shop and fill her coffers. The Spinach bunch too
beckoned me to bring my old recipe of Paneer(cottage cheese) Palak (spinach)
from oblivion . My taste buds already on an overdrive. Both the bunches landed
in my kitty. The Colocasia leaves were wrapped and tucked into the bag.
Moringa's leaves(drumstick leaves) reposed in the corner and my
Moringa's leaves(drumstick leaves) reposed in the corner and my
mind in ' should I or shouldn't I buy' dilemma, voted on buying the next time.
My heart was relieved. The Madras aubergines were already in the
picture of my mind , being chopped and shallow fried in the wok eagerly
waiting to the coated with Indian spices. Junior would be happy eating his
favorite dish. The cucumbers and carrots were weighed and deposited in my
bag. My family's quota of roughage was taken care off for a week. Many more
veggies were tempting to buy but my bag was already bursting at its seams
and screaming not to burden it further. I asked the farmer's wife to settle the
bill. She verbally spelt out the prices of each variety of vegetable and asked me
to add it up. I questioned her inability to deal with Math. She shied behind her
handkerchief. I teased her if I cheated and paid her less. This time she lowered
the piece of cloth from her face and accompanied with peals of giggles said that
her tryst with numbers was bad but she was good at distinguishing people. She
further reiterated her faith in good Karma. The veggies at the Farmer's Market
were tender, organic and chemical free and so was her heart.
I was touched by her simplicity in this masked world.
bag. My family's quota of roughage was taken care off for a week. Many more
veggies were tempting to buy but my bag was already bursting at its seams
and screaming not to burden it further. I asked the farmer's wife to settle the
bill. She verbally spelt out the prices of each variety of vegetable and asked me
to add it up. I questioned her inability to deal with Math. She shied behind her
handkerchief. I teased her if I cheated and paid her less. This time she lowered
the piece of cloth from her face and accompanied with peals of giggles said that
her tryst with numbers was bad but she was good at distinguishing people. She
further reiterated her faith in good Karma. The veggies at the Farmer's Market
were tender, organic and chemical free and so was her heart.
I was touched by her simplicity in this masked world.

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