A nail is a horn-like envelope covering the tips of the fingers and toes. Fingernails and
toenails are made of a tough protective protein called alpha-keratin .
The matrix is the tissue which the nail protects. It is the part of the nail bed that is
beneath the nail and contains,nerves, Lymph and blood vessels. The matrix produces
cells that become the nail plate. The width and thickness of the nail plate is determined
by the size, length, and thickness of the matrix, while the shape of the fingertip itself
shows if the nail plate is flat, arched, or hooked. The matrix will continue to produce
cells as long as it receives nutrition and remains in a healthy condition. As new nail plate
cells are made, they push older nail plate cells forward; and in this way older cells
become compressed, flat, and translucent. This makes the capillaries in the nail bed
below visible, resulting in a pink color.
The lunula ("small moon" in Latin) is the visible part of the matrix, the whitish crescent-
shaped base of the visible nail. The lunula can best be seen in the thumb and may not be
visible in the little finger. Not being able to see fingernail moons doesn’t always mean that something is wrong with health. Sometimes, one may only be able to see lunula on thumbs, or possibly not on any fingers at all. In these cases, the lunula is most likely hidden under the skin. Though the connection is not completely understood, an absent lunula can indicate anemia, malnutrition and depression.
Make an appointment with doctor if experiencing any of the following symptoms along with an absence of lunula: dizziness , fatigue , weakness and significant weight loss or gain.
Azure lunula describes the phenomenon where the moons of the fingernails take on a blue discoloration. This may indicate Wilson's disease, also known as hepatolenticular
degeneration. Wilson’s disease is a rare inherited genetic disorder that causes an excess
amount of copper to accumulate in the liver, brain, and other vital organs.
Nail pitting is the little depressions in your fingernails or toenails.
It can happen for a number of reasons and is often related to nail psoriasis. One may also
have discoloration of nails or abnormal growth with this condition. People with nail
psoriasis may also experience loose nails that separate from the nail beds ( Onycholysis).
Abnormalities — such as spots, discoloration, and nail separation - can result from
injuries to the fingers and hands
Certain medical conditions can also change the appearance of the fingernails. However, these changes can be difficult to interpret. Fingernails’ appearance alone isn’t enough to diagnose a specific illness. A doctor will use this information, along with other symptoms and a physical exam, to make a diagnosis.
Always consult the doctor if any questions about changes in your nails arise.
Depressions that run across fingernail are called Beau’s lines. These can be a sign of Always consult the doctor if any questions about changes in your nails arise.
Clubbing is when nails thicken and curve around your fingertips, a process that generally
takes years. This can be the result of low oxygen in the blood and is associated with various lung diseases. Nail clubbing is also associated with inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, liver disease and AIDS.
Koilonychia is when fingernails have raised ridges and scoop outward, like spoons. It’s
also called “spooning.” Sometimes the nail is curved enough to hold a drop of liquid.
Nail clubbing occurs when the tips of the fingers enlarge and the nails curve around the fingertips, usually over the course of years.
Do not bite nails. Use a nail cutter after bath when nails are soft.
Do not use scissors. Avoid the use of Nail Polish (colours) and nail polish remover (Acetone) over long period of time.
Do not use scissors. Avoid the use of Nail Polish (colours) and nail polish remover (Acetone) over long period of time.
If you have a problem with brittle or weak nails, keep them short to avoid breakage. Use lotion on your nails and cuticles to keep the nail and nail beds moisturized.
Wear rubber gloves whenever you do housework or wash dishes. Most household chores, from gardening to scrubbing the bathrooms to washing dishes, are murderous on the nails. For extra hand softness, apply hand cream before putting on the rubber gloves.
Trimtoenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. This is particularly important if one has diabetes.
Dry hands for at least two minutes after doing the dishes, taking a bath/shower, etc. Also dry toes thoroughly after swimming or showering. Leaving them damp increases risk of fungal infection.
Air out work boots and athletic shoes. Better yet, keep two pairs and switch between them so one never has to put feet into damp, sweaty shoes. This could lead to fungal infections.
Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to daily diet. It’s great for nails! Rich in zinc, they’ll do wonders for nails, especially if nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake.
Bed of nails.
The Sisters stood like the Rock of Gibraltar behind their colleague/comrade. The abused lady pinpointed the culprit. The eight strong hands nailed the perpetrator of the crime and there was no escape. The Media did what it is supposed to do. The hoi polloi , the Fourth Estate and the entire Sisterhood fought tooth and nail for four months. Justice was delivered.
Readers , tell us something more about your nails? Do you take care of your nails as a part of beauty regime or from medical point of view?
I am participating in the A to Z Challenge.
A to Z Challenge - Day 10. Kidneys - Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 11. Lungs - Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 12. Mouth - Parts of the body
Air out work boots and athletic shoes. Better yet, keep two pairs and switch between them so one never has to put feet into damp, sweaty shoes. This could lead to fungal infections.
Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to daily diet. It’s great for nails! Rich in zinc, they’ll do wonders for nails, especially if nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake.
Bed of nails.
The Sisters stood like the Rock of Gibraltar behind their colleague/comrade. The abused lady pinpointed the culprit. The eight strong hands nailed the perpetrator of the crime and there was no escape. The Media did what it is supposed to do. The hoi polloi , the Fourth Estate and the entire Sisterhood fought tooth and nail for four months. Justice was delivered.
Readers , tell us something more about your nails? Do you take care of your nails as a part of beauty regime or from medical point of view?
I am participating in the A to Z Challenge.
A to Z Challenge - Day 1. Arms : Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 2. breasts : Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 3.Chin & Cheeks : Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 4. Dimples : Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 5. Eye : Parts of the body.
A to Z Challenge - Day 6. Feet: Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 7 . Gums/Gingiva
A to Z Challenge - Day 8. Hair : Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge -Day 9. Intestine : Parts of the bodyA to Z Challenge - Day 10. Kidneys - Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 11. Lungs - Parts of the body
A to Z Challenge - Day 12. Mouth - Parts of the body
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I had to look at my fingers, now my nails are not strangers anymore ;)
ReplyDeleteWe have to know and get acquainted with all parts of our body to keep good health. Thanks Frederique for stopping by.
DeleteFor many nails are chiefly fashion items!
ReplyDeleteMy A-Z of Children's Stories
I would prefer my nails to be healthy rather than just fashion items. Thanks Keith
Deletewow now i know my nails better.
ReplyDeleteThanks PraGun
DeleteInfo about lunula is interesting, wasnt aware that its absence means health issues. I have brittle nails and have to take care of them a lot. SIGH!
ReplyDeleteI had watched al video in detail about lunula and it was very interesting. I keep my nails very short. Thanks shilpa garg for dropping by.
DeleteNails are not fun sometimes... especially when they break. I guess that's why mine are all short.
ReplyDeleteWhen nails break, it is very irritating. I too keep my nails short trimmed and apply no nail polish.
ReplyDeleteLiked your story for the day Kalpana.
ReplyDeleteThanks you so much Namratha.
DeleteAnother post replete with information, Kalpana.
ReplyDeleteThanks rachna.
DeleteAs a child, I was told that white pigmentation on the nails meant deficiency of calcium. So I had this habit of checking them every few hrs. Eventually I realized that ma used that as an excuse to make me drink milk thar was supposed to help thar white pigmentation disappear Great informative post that brought back this memory to me
ReplyDeleteMoms have a way of getting things done. My mom used to coax me to eat bhindi sabzi telling me that bhindi will make me good at numbers. I was petrified of Math subject. Thanks Sonia C for visiting my blog.
DeleteWhat an informative post! I love to paint my nails but every few weeks I must give them a break from the paint so that they don’t become too yellow.
The chemicals in nail-polish are the culprit. Thanks Noor Anand C fr visiting my blog.
DeleteI am one who only has visible lunulae on my thumbs.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog. I am at Transformed Nonconformist. I usually write humor pieces, but I am getting serious this month. I'm writing about people who have deeply impacted my life.
I too have visible lunulae on my thumbs, Brett Minor. Thanks for reading and commenting.
DeleteYupp, no lunula, which is understandable as I have iron deficiency anemia.
ReplyDeleteI like to keep my nails short. Also, my mom used to say that we shouldn't wear nail polish daily. That nails also need to breathe.
Find my N post @ 10 Personal Skills Of Narendra Modi That Truly Inspire Me
mos are always right with their vast experiences of life, Chicky K. i too keep my nails short as I hurt them while chopping onions and veggies.
ReplyDeleteI used to always wear closed shoes and this led to fungal infection in my toes. As a rule I avoid wearing closed shoes most of the time. I also have stopped putting nail polish, only paint them for parties and remove it the next day.
ReplyDeleteNever say Never
Nails need aeration and hence nail paint should not be always be put on. Thanks for dropping by , Kislaya G.
DeleteGreat post. I started looking at my nails, before typing this comment
ReplyDeleteWe have to be aware of al our body parts. We take them for granted. Thanks SuhaVijay. i am enjoying your take on mythology.